
your health"
£ 10.00
- ISBN - 978 0 9533058 8 9 -
for shift & unsocial hours workers, (e.g. Police, Fire,
Ambulance, Military Service personnel), this book outlines a healthy
lifestyle & explains causes and remedies for a number of symptoms
including stress and allergies. It also includes diet, exercise, cancer, contagious diseases,
drugs, tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, eyes, ears, mouth, feet, stomach, bowel
and more.
To Prove" NEW 7th Edition
£ 15.00
- ISBN - 978 1 903639 19 1 -
The new seventh edition includes the new offence
of false representation
which replaces the old deception offence, disguised knives and offensive
weapons, religious hatred changes, defence of lawful chastisement, defence
of self defence, changes under the Criminal Justice and Immigration
Act 2008, definition of sexual touching, male prostitution and
up-to-date case law. A new offence of using a mobile phone whilst driving
has been included.
As with all law books they gradually become out
of date as the law changes but I will update this book by addendums.
Anyone who purchases the book can email for a copy addendum at policebooks@aol.com.
Updates will be provided every four months.
Officer's Companion"
New Edition
£ 19.95
- ISBN - 978 1 903639 18 4 -
2006 edition
with all new law and procedure. Written for
custodians from the Police, Military, private security firms &
solicitors, this manual deals with detention, rights & entitlements,
treatment of prisoners, questioning, review of detention, disposal &
charging of prisoners, intimate searches & samples, fingerprints, DNA
samples. The new 4th edition includes the latest Codes of
Practice, legislation and procedure.
Statements" REVISED 6th Edition
£ 14.00
- ISBN - 978 1 903639 17 7 -
Written for
Police Officers, Private Investigators, Solicitors, Military Police,
private security officers, Customs & Excise officials and Trading
Standards officers - this book explains how to take statements of evidence
of all types, in an easily understood style; how to plan statement taking;
which method is the best (i.e. written, audio or video recorded).
This book also details how to take statements from vulnerable or
intimidated witnesses; identity issues; how to check statements. 40
specimen statements for common offences are included. An aide
memoire for the Manual of Guidance has been added providing lists of
action at the evidence gathering stage.

information |
Calligan finished as Chief Superintendent of Personnel and Training.
He has over 30 yrs police experience
& also enjoys family life.
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